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What Happens If a Nail Bed Injury is Left Untreated?

by | Feb 6, 2024 | Articles | 0 comments

Nail bed injuries, though often considered minor, can escalate into serious health concerns when left untreated. The significance of timely and appropriate care cannot be overstated, especially given the potential for complications that can affect not only the nail itself but also the overall health of the affected individual. 

Let’s find out more about this seemingly innocent injury, how things can go wrong if it’s left untreated and available treatment options in Singapore


One of the primary risks associated with untreated nail bed injuries is infection. The skin under and around the nail acts as a barrier against germs of all sorts. When this barrier is compromised due to injury, bacteria and fungi that are commonly present on the skin’s surface can infiltrate the exposed tissues. 

This can lead to infections characterised by symptoms such as pain, redness, swelling, increased warmth, and pus formation. In severe cases, the infection could spread beyond the nail area, leading to cellulitis or even systemic infections that require immediate medical attention.


Another significant risk is the development of nail deformities. When a nail bed is injured and not properly treated, it can heal abnormally. This abnormal healing process can lead to permanent changes in the nail’s shape, thickness, and texture. These deformities are not simply cosmetic concerns. They can impair the normal function of the nail and finger, making everyday tasks more difficult and potentially leading to further injury or complications.

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a potential long-term consequence of an untreated nail bed injury. This pain can be a result of nerve damage, infection, or abnormal healing and can significantly affect the quality of life. The constant discomfort can limit mobility, impacting one’s ability to perform daily activities. Moreover, chronic pain often requires long-term management strategies, which could have been avoided with proper initial care.

Ingrown Nails

Nail bed injuries can also lead to the particularly troublesome development of ingrown nails. This occurs when the nail grows into the surrounding skin rather than over it. Ingrown nails can be very painful and often lead to future bouts of infection. Ingrown nails are particularly common if the injury leads to an irregular nail shape that encourages the nail to grow incorrectly, so treatment is a must to prevent this from occurring.

Loss of Nail

In some cases, untreated nail bed injuries can lead to the partial or complete loss of the actual nail. This can occur due to severe damage to the nail matrix, which is the tissue that the nail grows from, or from recurrent infections. Loss of a nail can be distressing and may affect the appearance of the finger or toe. It can also leave the sensitive nail bed exposed, making it more susceptible to further injury and infection down the line.

When to See a Doctor

It’s crucial to know when to seek medical attention for a nail bed injury. If there is severe pain, bleeding that doesn’t stop, signs of infection, or if the injury involves a large portion of the nail or nail bed, you must make it a point to see a doctor. Medical professionals can assess the extent of the damage and provide appropriate treatment, which might include cleaning the wound, antibiotics, or in some cases, surgery.

Some things you should be looking out for are:

Severe Pain: If the pain associated with the injury is intense and persistent, it’s a clear signal that the injury might be more serious than it appears. Severe pain can indicate deep tissue damage, a severe infection, or even fractures, especially if it doesn’t subside with basic first aid measures like cleaning and bandaging.

Continuous Bleeding: While some bleeding is expected with any cut or tear to the nail or nail bed, continuous bleeding that doesn’t stop with basic first aid measures is a cause for concern. This could signify a deeper cut or damage to a blood vessel that may require professional treatment to heal properly.

Signs of Infection: Infections can escalate quickly, especially in the warm and often moist environment of a finger or toe. Signs of infection include redness, swelling, increased warmth in the area, throbbing pain, pus formation, or an offensive odor. If any of these symptoms are present, it’s imperative to consult a doctor to avoid the spread of the infection.

Injury Involving Large Area of Nail or Nail Bed: When a significant portion of the nail or nail bed is injured, it’s wise to seek a doctor’s opinion. They can assess the extent of the damage and provide appropriate treatment, which might include removing any nail fragments, cleaning the wound, or even reconstructive procedures in severe cases.

No Improvement or Worsening Symptoms: If the injury does not improve or worsens despite home care, it’s time to consult a doctor. This could be indicative of an underlying issue that requires more advanced treatment than can be provided at home.

Nail Bed Infection Treatment

Treating a nail bed infection typically involves antibiotics to combat bacterial infections and antifungal medications for fungal infections. In addition to medications, keeping the injured area clean and dry is crucial. In some cases, particularly if there is an abscess, surgical intervention may be required to drain pus and remove infected tissues.

Nail bed injury treatment in Singapore

The ability to live pain-free is valuable, and cannot be taken for granted. As experienced orthopaedic specialists, we understand its importance. At Spire Orthopaedic Centre, our team of surgeons and clinicians are committed to accurate diagnosis and high-quality treatment, so that you can keep moving forward with your life.

If you need help with your nail bed injury, contact us now.