"Welcome to Spire Orthopaedic Centre. We are a one stop, full service Orthopaedic Centre to meet your diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation needs for all your bone, joint and back pain conditions." Call Us at 8031 4388
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  • Physiotherapy/ Rehab Pilates

    $200.00 excl GST

    Our AHPC accredited Physiotherapist will assess, diagnose and use movement-based therapy and ancillary modalities such as extracorporeal shockwave therapy to rectify bodily weaknesses and imbalance, especially in the rehabilitation phase.​

    We also have a Pilates trainer to work core strengthening. This mode of therapy is good for rehabilitation and is especially useful for those with chronic low back pain

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  • Sports Massage Session

    $135.00 excl GST

    Just finished a strenuous workout or a long marathon run? Sports massage is an effective technique that releases the tension on the affected soft tissue and muscles. Our physiotherapist have much anatomical knowledge  and rehabilitation knowledge so that they will know precisely where the trigger points as well as muscle not which need more attention.

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  • Tele-Consultation

    $150.00 excl GST

    We offer teleconsultation for the convenience of our patients. Even international patients can seek our second opinion with regards to their medical condition. The consult will be scheduled after payment has been verified.

    Please note that tele-consultation are not available for cases that require essential life-saving measures.

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